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2024 Colorado Wheat Field Days

The 2024 Colorado Wheat Field Days will be held June 6-7 and June 11-12 at eleven different variety trial sites throughout Eastern Colorado (schedule below). The field days are jointly hosted by the Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee (CWAC), the Colorado Wheat Research Foundation (CWRF), Colorado State University (CSU) Crops Testing, CSU Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, CSU Department of Agricultural Biology, CSU Agricultural Experiment Station and CSU Extension.

The program at each field day will feature a walk-through of the variety trial with CSU’s Wheat Breeder, Dr. Esten Mason. Attendees will also hear updates from the CSU Crops Testing leader, Sally Jones-Diamond; Colorado Wheat Executive Director, Brad Erker; and Director of Colorado Seed Programs, Laura Pottorff. CSU experts on weed science, entomology, and pathology will also showcase their strong wheat research and extension activities.

The program at each location will last about an hour. For a detailed schedule with directions to each location, visit

Thursday, June 68:30 a.m.Walsh – Plainsman Research Center
 12:00 p.m.Lamar – Stulp Farms
 4:30 p.m.Brandon – Burl Scherler Farms
Friday, June 78:00 a.m.Burlington – Dorman Irrigated Site
 11:30 a.m.Genoa – Beedy Farms
 4:00 p.m.Severance – Jeff Marsh (Irrigated Site)
Tuesday, June 118:30 a.m.Akron – USDA-ARS Station
 3:00 p.m.Yuma – Canceled due to hail damage
Wednesday, June 128:30 a.m.Julesburg – Carlson Farms
 12:30 p.m.Orchard – Wickstrom Farms
 4:30 p.m.Roggen – Cooksey Family Farms
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