“CWRF funds development of new wheat varieties and traits.”
The Colorado Wheat Research Foundation, through a Master Research and Development Agreement with Colorado State University (CSU), funds development of new wheat varieties and traits. CWRF then acquires ownership and obtains Plant Variety Protection (PVP) or Patent Protection to bring varieties and traits to market.
CWRF coordinates distribution of Foundation and Registered seed to CWRF Participants. Participants are licensed seed growers in good standing with the Colorado Seed Growers Association or another official seed certifying agency. Participants produce Registered and Certified seed and make sales to producers. Sales of Certified seed generate royalties and trait fees, which CWRF uses to fund additional research at CSU.

The PlainsGold brand, introduced in 2012, carries some the most well-known and innovative winter wheat varieties available today in the High Plains.
The PlainsGold brand, varieties and AXigen® trait are owned by the farmer-governed Colorado Wheat Research Foundation. Royalties from the sale of PlainsGold seed support the public wheat breeding program at Colorado State University, which further enhances the funding provided by the wheat assessment paid by all Colorado wheat farmers.
Trust Your Wheat Fields To a Yield Leader
In drought years or in favorable growing conditions, PlainsGold® varieties excel. We are proud to test PlainsGold® varieties in public crops testing programs across the Wheat Belt, and in on-farm tests. Our varieties consistently perform for yield and quality, despite variable growing conditions from year to year and region to region. Find out for yourself on WheatTrials.com, where you can run head-to-head comparisons. If you’re looking for innovative new varieties with proven yield performance, then the only decision to make is which PlainsGold varieties are best for your fields.

CoAXium® Wheat Production System
In June 2015, the Colorado Wheat Research Foundation partnered with Albaugh and Limagrain to bring a new cost-effective herbicide tolerance system to wheat growers. CWRF owns the Axigen® trait, the patented, non-GMO trait that confers tolerance to Aggressor® AX herbicides.

Ardent Mills Premium Program
CWRF has partnered with Ardent Mills and CSU for years to develop top performing hard white winter wheat varieties that meet the special quality needed for UltraGrain® White Whole Wheat Flour. The UltraGrain® family of flour delivers whole grain nutrition in mainstream foods with the taste, texture and color consumers prefer.
Research Royalties
Royalties are an investment by farmers in the future of their crop. CWRF collects seed royalties from the sale of Certified seed on our varieties. Royalty rates vary by variety but are generally about one dollar/bushel. CWRF also collects trait fees from the sale of Certified seed of CoAXium varieties. CWRF’s Master Research and Development Agreement with CSU stipulates a set percentage of gross royalties and trait fees that are returned to CSU. These funds support wheat-related research at CSU through various funding mechanisms, and supplement the research funding provided by CWAC.