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Wheat Entomology Newsletter – May 1, 2023

Adam Osterholzer:, 970-222-9568 Dr. Punya Nachappa:, 785-383-4873 Introduction We are excited to begin our third year conducting the Wheat Entomology Newsletter! Our team is led by Dr. Punya Nachappa, entomologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Biology ( Adam Osterholzer, our Research Associate in the CSU Wheat Entomology Program, will help […]

ACTION ALERT – Tell Congress to Support Trade Programs

We need your help encouraging lawmakers to support the Expanding Agriculture Exports Act and Agriculture Export Promotion Act. If enacted, this legislation would double funding for these agricultural export market development programs administered by USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), including the Market Access Program (MAP) and the Foreign Market Development Program (FMD), which help US Wheat […]

Colorado Wheat Outlook Report – April 28, 2023

According to USDA-NASS, Colorado’s winter wheat crop conditions improved slightly this week. There was no change on the Drought Monitor. Most of Eastern Colorado saw moisture over the last 7 days, however it is probably too late to save the wheat crop in the southeast corner of the state.  Read the Full Report Here.

Colorado Wheat Disease Newsletter

Dr. Robyn Roberts Field Crops Pathologist and CSU Assistant Professor* 970-491-8239 *Email is the best way to reach me Disease Observations Common root rot A few fields have reported a small amount of common root rot. This disease is caused by a complex of several soil-borne fungi. Prolonged drought stress coupled with high soil […]

Colorado Wheat Outlook Report – April 21st, 2023

The overall condition of Colorado’s winter wheat crop remains variable. Roughly 60-70% of the wheat in the northeastern corner of the state is in the fair to good category. It has potential to produce an average crop, however that is if it gets rain. Conditions in the southeast remain dire dure to little moisture and […]

Colorado Wheat Outlook – April 14, 2023

Right now conditions are dire in the southeast corner of Colorado, with little moisture and high winds. Meanwhile, the northeast corner of the state has seen a decent amount of snow this winter. The farmers in that area seem optimistic.  This week has been warm, with temperatures in the 80s for most of Eastern Colorado. […]

Colorado Wheat Disease Newsletter

Dr. Robyn Roberts Field Crops Pathologist and CSU Assistant Professor     * 970-491-8239 *Email is the best way to reach me   INTRODUCTION Welcome to the 2023 growing season! I am excited to bring you the newsletters again, which will come out every 2 weeks. If you have pathology concerns, please don’t hesitate to […]

Public Notice: CAWG/CWAC Board Meeting

AGENDA Colorado Association of Wheat Growers (CAWG) Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee (CWAC) Board of Directors Meeting Hilton Garden Inn, Fort Collins, March 31, 2023  9:00 p.m.: General Business Session – Call to Order – CAWG, CWAC Introductions of Guests Roll Call & Brief Crop Reports – CAWG, CWAC Confidentiality Reminder Approval of Agenda – CAWG, […]

NAWG Elects New Officers with Brent Cheyne as President

Today, Brent Cheyne was elected President of the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG). Brent farms with his son Rodney near Klamath Falls, Oregon, where they raise wheat, barley, oats, alfalfa and Angus cattle. In 2011, Brent began his time with the Oregon Wheat Growers League as the Oregon president before accepting the position of […]

Colorado Winter Wheat Varieties – 2023 Crop

From USDA-NASS Colorado wheat producers seeded an estimated 2.2 million acres to winter wheat in the fall of 2022 for harvest in 2023, up 250,000 acres from the 2022 crop. For the fourth consecutive year, Langin was the most popular winter wheat variety seeded in Colorado, planted on 21.2 percent of the acreage for the […]