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Colorado Wheat Disease Newsletter

Dr. Robyn Roberts Field Crops Pathologist and CSU Assistant Professor* 970-491-8239; @RobynRobertsPhD (Twitter) *Email is the best way to reach me DISEASE OBSERVATIONS Mosaic virus symptom reports are on the rise. Importantly, viruses typically exist in a complex in Colorado, including Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV), Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV), and High Plains Wheat […]

Colorado Wheat Disease Newsletter

Dr. Robyn Roberts Field Crops Pathologist and CSU Assistant Professor* 970-491-8239; @RobynRobertsPhD (Twitter) *Email is the best way to reach me DISEASE OBSERVATIONS Reports of mosaic virus symptoms have increased this past week, with moderate levels reported in symptomatic fields. All of the samples we have tested so far this year have been positive […]

Colorado Wheat Entomology Newsletter – May 31, 2022

Dr. Erika Peirce:, 661-607-1789 Dr. Punya Nachappa:, 785-383-4873 Wheat Stem Sawfly We are seeing high wheat stem sawfly pressure in our field sites at New Raymer. Here are some pictures of sawfly attack in New Raymer. Dr. Mason and Sally Diamond-Jones also report high pressure in Akron. Ron Meyer said that crop scouts […]

Colorado Wheat Disease Newsletter – May 23, 2022

Dr. Robyn Roberts Field Crops Pathologist and CSU Assistant Professor* 970-491-8239; @RobynRobertsPhD (Twitter) *Email is the best way to reach me DISEASE OBSERVATIONS We have gotten a few reports of mosaic virus symptoms, and samples from three different locations in Sedgwick county have tested positive for both Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) and Triticum […]

Colorado Wheat Entomology Newsletter – May 16, 2022

Dr. Erika Peirce:, 661-607-1789 Dr. Punya Nachappa:, 785-383-4873 Wheat Stem Sawfly Sawfly adults began to emerge in Weld and Morgan counties. Adult sawflies can only lay their eggs in wheat plants with a stem, which would be around Zadoks 32. However, if there are not enough hosts, they may lay multiple eggs per […]

Colorado Wheat Disease Newsletter – May 9, 2022

Dr. Robyn Roberts Field Crops Pathologist and CSU Assistant Professor* 970-491-8239; @RobynRobertsPhD (Twitter) *Email is the best way to reach me DISEASE OBSERVATIONS There is still little disease activity in Colorado. There are reports of mosaic virus-like symptoms from Sedgwick county, but no stripe rust or other fungal diseases to report. Read the Full […]

Colorado Wheat Entomology Newsletter – May 2, 2022

Dr. Erika Peirce:, 661-607-1789 Dr. Punya Nachappa:, 785-383-4873 Brown Wheat Mites Hot and dry conditions have worsened earlier reported brown wheat mite infestations. Multiple reports of heavy brown wheat mite populations near Arriba (Lincoln County) and Lamar (Prowers County). The populations were above economic threshold levels. Low to moderate levels reported near Julesburg […]

Colorado Wheat Disease Newsletter – April 25, 2022

Dr. Robyn Roberts Field Crops Pathologist and CSU Assistant Professor* 970-491-8239; @RobynRobertsPhD (Twitter) *Email is the best way to reach me DISEASE OBSERVATIONS There is one report of virus-like symptoms in Sedgwick County. A neighboring plot had lots of volunteer wheat that likely contributed, since volunteer wheat can harbor the mite that spreads several […]

Colorado Wheat Entomology Newsletter – April 18

Dr. Erika Peirce:, 661-607-1789 Dr. Punya Nachappa:, 785-383-4873 Introduction Hello, this is our second year conducting the Wheat Entomology Newsletter, led by Dr. Punya Nachappa, entomologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Biology ( and Dr. Erika Peirce, a Postdoctoral Fellow working with Dr. Nachappa. If you suscept you have insects/mites, […]

Colorado Wheat Disease Newsletter

Dr. Robyn Roberts Field Crops Pathologist and CSU Assistant Professor* 970-491-8239; @RobynRobertsPhD (Twitter) *Email is the best way to reach me INTRODUCTION Welcome to a new season of the Wheat Disease Newsletters! My name is Robyn Roberts and I joined Colorado State University in August 2020 as the new field crops pathologist and assistant […]