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Colorado Wheat Entomology Newsletter – April 18

Dr. Erika Peirce:,
Dr. Punya Nachappa:, 785-383-4873

Hello, this is our second year conducting the Wheat Entomology Newsletter, led by Dr. Punya Nachappa, entomologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Biology
( and Dr. Erika Peirce, a Postdoctoral Fellow working with Dr. Nachappa. If you suscept you have insects/mites, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are also on Twitter @NachappaPunya and @TravelngBugGirl

The Wheat Crop
As you know the exceptionally dry fall and winter has resulted in poor germination of wheat across the state (Fig 1; Photo credit: Dr. Esten Mason). We are especially concerned about our research sites in Orchard, New Raymer and Akron, but we intend to continue with our projects while praying for rain!

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