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Langin Reclaims Top Spot in 2025 Winter Wheat Variety Survey

Fort Collins, Colo. – Langin was the most popular winter wheat variety planted in Colorado, according to the 2025 Colorado Winter Wheat Variety Survey released by the National Agricultural Statistics Service on February 28. This marks the fifth time Langin has topped the survey, accounting for 12.9 percent of the state’s winter wheat acreage. After holding the top spot for four consecutive years, Langin briefly fell to second place in 2024 before reclaiming the top position this year.

Developed by the Colorado State University (CSU) Wheat Breeding and Genetics Program and released in 2016 under the PlainsGold® brand by the Colorado Wheat Research Foundation (CWRF), Langin is a hard red winter wheat variety known for its high yield potential, drought tolerance, and excellent milling and baking qualities.

“Knowing which varieties are most popular with producers is important,” said Brad Erker, Executive Director of the Colorado Wheat. “It helps the CSU Wheat Breeding Program know where to allocate the most resources and which traits to focus on, so it can continue to release varieties that impact their bottom line.”

Other PlainsGold varieties dominated the top four spots in the survey. Byrd ranked second, planted on 10.7% of Colorado’s winter wheat acres, followed by Avery at 7.9%. Amplify SF, which held the top position in 2024, moved to fourth place with 6.7%.  In total, thirteen of the top fourteen varieties in the survey are marketed by PlainsGold.

The PlainsGold brand, introduced in 2012, carries some the most well-known and innovative winter wheat varieties available today in the High Plains. The PlainsGold brand, varieties and AXigen® trait are owned by the farmer-governed Colorado Wheat Research Foundation. Royalties from the sale of PlainsGold seed support the public wheat breeding program at Colorado State University, which further enhances the funding provided by the wheat assessment paid by all Colorado wheat farmers.

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