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Public Notice: CWAC/CAWG Joint Board Meeting


Colorado Association of Wheat Growers (CAWG)

Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee (CWAC)

Board of Directors Meeting – December 7, 2022

CoBank Center for Agricultural Education, Fort Collins, Colorado

  1. General Business Session – Start at 9:00 am
    1. Call to Order – CAWG, CWAC
    2. Introductions of Guests
    3. Roll Call & Brief Crop Reports – CAWG, CWAC
    4. Confidentiality Reminder
    5. Approval of Agenda – CAWG, CWAC
    6. Consideration of Minutes
      1. CAWG, CWAC August 10, 2022 Board Meeting
    7. President’s Reports
      1. CAWG – Justin Lewton
      2. CWAC – Steve Beedy
    8. Executive Director’s Report – Brad Erker
  2. Information Session
  3. Financial Report
    1. CAWG Financial Report (Debbie Parkinson)
    2. CWAC Financial Report (Debbie Parkinson)
  4. New Business
  5. Other Business
  6. CWAC and CAWG Annual Business meetings – 1:00 pm open to all
  7. Next Meeting Date
  8. Adjournment – CAWG, CWAC

*12:00   Lunch

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