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Wheat Entomology Newsletter – May 30, 2023

Adam Osterholzer:, 970-222-9568
Dr. Punya Nachappa:, 785-383-4873

Wheat Stem Sawfly
We have continued our sweeps twice per week at Orchard and New Raymer, CO. This month’s average catch has deviated significantly from what we observed throughout the month of May in previous years. For example, on May 17th, 2022, our average catch was 72.6 sawflies per sample site. In contrast to this, on May 26th of the current year we averaged only 29.4 sawflies per sample site.
The 2023 sawflies in these areas are emerging later than those of previous years. As explained in our May 1st newsletter, we’re hypothesizing that an increase in precipitation has delayed the sawfly emergence cycle. We’re expecting to observe sawfly activity well into June. This may not be the case for regions that have received less moisture.
Sally Jones Diamond (CSU Crops Testing) has visually confirmed sawfly adults at the variety trials in Akron and Yuma, CO. The activity appears to be particularly heavy at Akron. Our sawfly emergence graphs from 2011-2022 can be viewed at Research

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