U.S. Wheat Industry Supportive of USDA Administration of Food for Peace Program
U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) welcome new legislation introduced today that would move the Food for Peace international food assistance program under USDA’s administration. The legislation is sponsored by Representatives Tracey Mann of Kansas, Rick Crawford of Arkansas, Dan Newhouse of Washington, David Rouzer of North Carolina and […]
2025 CAWG Scholarships
The Colorado Association of Wheat Growers (CAWG) will award two $1,000 scholarships in 2025. One scholarship will be awarded to a graduating high school senior who plans to attend an accredited college, university, junior college or community college. The student must enter college the same year as their graduation from high school. The second scholarship […]
Colorado Wheat Announces 2025 County Meetings and Election Dates
Colorado wheat farmers are invited to attend and participate in the annual county business meetings and elections jointly sponsored by the Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee (CWAC), the Colorado Association of Wheat Growers (CAWG) and the Colorado Wheat Research Foundation (CWRF). The business meetings and elections will be held February 6-7, at four different locations. Please […]
The Importance of the NASS Winter Wheat Variety Survey
Every fall the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts a survey of Colorado’s wheat producers to ask what wheat varieties they have planted for the crop year. The survey is funded by the Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee. That’s right – it is your producer-elected board that wants that information. The variety survey allows CWAC, as […]
Farmer Research Participants Needed
The High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health and Safety and IN-RICHES are partnering to learn beliefs about the links between soil health and farmer health and research participants are needed. To participate, you must be a farmer who is 18 years old or older. To learn more and enroll, contact Morgan.Valley@colostate.edu or 970-491-0384. Participants […]
Wheat Entomology Newsletter – September 18, 2024
Adam Osterholzer: adam.osterholzer@colostate.edu, 970-222-9568 Dr. Punya Nachappa: Punya.Nachappa@colostate.edu, 785-383-4873 Visit our website at: https://www.csuwheatentomology.com/. Wheat Stem Sawfly State-Wide Results A statewide survey of WSS infestation has been conducted since 2013 to determine the scope of infestation across the state. Several sites are surveyed each year post-harvest, with the number of sites collected per county being […]
From NAWG – Over 300 Groups Call on Congress to Pass Robust Farm Bill
Washington, D.C. – Citing worsening economic conditions impacting the nation’s farmers, over 300 national and state groups sent a letter to congressional leaders today calling on them to pass the farm bill before year’s end. Signatories included groups representing farmers, livestock and specialty crop producers, lenders and other essential stakeholders in agricultural communities across the […]
NAWG and U.S. Wheat Respond to Approval of HB4®Drought Tolerant Wheat
NAWG Statement on Deregulation of HB4 Wheat Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it would deregulate the HB4 drought-tolerant trait from Bioceres Crop Solutions. The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) is thankful for the USDA’s decision to provide a robust, science-based process that affords a pathway for the cultivation of the […]
PlainsGold® to Market Two New Wheat Varieties in 2024
PlainsGold® will market two new wheat varieties in 2024, a hard red winter wheat named Sheridan and a hard white winter wheat named Telluride. “These two new varieties showcase the continuing push for higher yields and improved agronomics coming out of the CSU Wheat Breeding program”, said Brad Erker, Executive Director for Colorado Wheat Research […]
CSU Wheat Variety Decisions Webinar
Colorado State University (CSU), the CSU Crops Testing Program, and CSU Extension are inviting wheat producers and the public to the Wheat Variety Decisions Webinar online on Thursday, August 15th at 8:00 a.m. via Zoom. Dr. Esten Mason, CSU Wheat Breeder, will talk about new varieties and releases from his program. Dr. Scott Haley, CSU […]