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Colorado Wheat Outlook Report – June 21, 2024

The combines started rolling earlier this week in Southeastern Colorado. Last weekend’s hot, dry and windy weather helped get things dried out and ready to go. While it is still early, preliminary yields are ranging 15-40 bushels/acre.

Colorado Wheat Outlook Report – June 21, 2024

The combines started rolling earlier this week in Southeastern Colorado. Last weekend’s hot, dry and windy weather helped get things dried out and ready to go. While it is still early, preliminary yields are ranging 15-40 bushels/acre.

Colorado Wheat Outlook Report – May 10, 2024

Most of Eastern Colorado saw cooler-than-normal temperatures this week, with wind and little moisture. Conditions have worsened in the southeastern corner of the state and the area has entered a D2 drought. Next week’s forecast shows warmer (but still fairly mild) temperatures, with a chance of decent moisture mid-week in locations south of I-70.

Colorado Wheat Outlook Report – May 10, 2024

Most of Eastern Colorado saw cooler-than-normal temperatures this week, with wind and little moisture. Conditions have worsened in the southeastern corner of the state and the area has entered a D2 drought. Next week’s forecast shows warmer (but still fairly mild) temperatures, with a chance of decent moisture mid-week in locations south of I-70.

Colorado Wheat Outlook Report – May 3, 2024

Most of Northeastern Colorado received much-needed rain last weekend. Totals ranged anywhere from 1 in. to 4.5 in. However, the high rainfall totals completely missed Southeastern Colorado where conditions are deteriorating.

Colorado Wheat Outlook Report – May 3, 2024

Most of Northeastern Colorado received much-needed rain last weekend. Totals ranged anywhere from 1 in. to 4.5 in. However, the high rainfall totals completely missed Southeastern Colorado where conditions are deteriorating.