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Colorado Wheat Stem Sawfly Survey

Researchers from the department of agricultural and resource economics at  Colorado State University are conducting a research study on the economic impact of Wheat Stem Sawfly in Colorado. The title of our project is Assessing the Economic Impacts of Wheat Stem Sawfly Populations on the Colorado Wheat Industry. If you are over 18 and a farmer in Colorado who has grown wheat in the past four years, we would love for you to take the online survey!

The short 10-minute online survey will ask you about your experience growing wheat and how wheat stem sawfly has impacted your operation. There are no known risks to participating in the survey outside of those in daily life. It is not possible to identify all potential risks in research procedures, but the researchers have taken reasonable safeguards to minimize any known and potential (but unknown) risks. For completing the online survey, you will be entered into lottery for one of two $100 gift cards to Amazon. There is approximately a 1 in 50 chance of winning the gift card.

Click the link to complete the survey:

Please contact Rebecca Wasserman-Olin at or Rebecca Hill ( with any questions.

*Please note that this is a Colorado specific survey and different than the multistate sawfly survey sent out previously.  If you did the multistate survey, you can also complete this survey.

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